
Welcome to St Anne's College!
This site contains information for Undergraduates (including Foundation Year), Graduates and Visiting Students who will be joining St Anne's for the 2024-25 academic year.
Please read the information carefully, you should find that most, if not all, of your questions are answered within the documents and links provided.
Undergraduates and Visiting Students should arrive on Sunday 6th October, no later than 2pm. International Undergraduate Students may request to arrive on Friday 4th October or Saturday 5th October.
Foundation Year Students should arrive for their Orientation Week on Sunday 29th September, and may move into their St Anne's College Accommodation on Friday 4th October.
** All Undergraduate, Foundation and Visiting Student accommodation is allocated automatically, there are no forms to complete.**
Graduate students should arrive in time for the first day of their course.
All Freshers' are expected to complete the online 'Consent for Students' course prior to arrival.
The JCR, MCR and other student run organisations may ask to see proof of completion prior to admitting you to events. The course will be launched in mid-September and be accessed via your Single Sign-On (SSO) which can only be issued following receipt of your card application form.
Undergraduates and Visiting Students
- JCR Parent-Child Scheme and St Anne's Society Consent Form - complete by Friday 30 August
- Freshers' Survey - complete by Friday 6 September
- JCR Levies Form - complete by Friday 30 August
- Disability Disclosure Form complete by Friday 30 August
Students with a disability, including SpLDs, are encouraged to declare this early so that any support required can be put in place in good time.
- University Card Form (if not already returned) complete by Friday 30 August
Please complete and return your signed card form, together with a recent passport sized photograph no later than Friday 30 August.
Forms should be sent by e-mail to admissions@st-annes.ox.ac.uk
Your photograph will be included on your University Card which will be used as ID throughout your degree; you will not be able to change the photograph unless your appearance changes significantly. Photographs taken on phones are acceptable but please try to ensure that they are taken against a plain background. You are allowed to smile!
If you use a preferred name, that is different to your legal name, please read this information.
- Contract complete by Friday 30 August return to admissions@st-annes.ox.ac.uk
Please complete and return the Family Contact Form if your family would like to keep in touch with the College via the Development Office.
JCR Handbook - ** NEW **
JCR Handbook (plain text) - ** NEW **
International Students Handbook - ** NEW **
International Students Handbook (plain text) - ** NEW **
College Induction Timetable - you will be issued with a final version when you arrive
JCR ENTZ Timetable - coming soon
Freshers' Survey - please complete before arrival and no later than Friday 27 September
MCR Levies Form - please complete by Friday 27 September
Contract - You will need to sign a copy at College Registration, you can either bring a signed copy with you, or sign on arrival
Disability Disclosure Form - if applicable, please complete by Friday 27 September
Students with a disability, including SpLDs, are encouraged to declare this early so that any support required can be put in place in good time.
Graduate Freshers' Formal Hall Booking Form - please complete by Monday 23 September
All graduate freshers are encouraged to attend the formal hall on Wednesday 16 October. It is an opportunity to experience College fine dining (at a heavily subsidised rate!) and meet other students and academic staff of the College.
The MCR Handbook will soon be available on the MCR Website
We recognise that many Graduate Freshers will be busy with their Departments during Freshers Week and as a result have kept College activities to a minimum.
- All full time students, as well as any part time students in Oxford at the time, are expected to attend College Induction on the morning of Wednesday 9 October. This will start at 9:30am in the Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre with a welcome from the Tutor for Graduates, Dr Shannon McKellar.
During the morning there will be an opportunity to complete College Registration and collect your University Card, and to familiarise yourself with the College site and the MCR. The MCR will also run mandatory consent workshops followed by a free buffet lunch.
- University Freshers' Fayre (Exam Schools) - the St Anne's slot for Graduate Students is between 2pm and 3pm on Wednesday 9 October. You may also be able to attend at other times, but admittance is not guaranteed.
- On the morning of Thursday 10 October there will be a mandatory Equality and Diversity Briefing in the Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre from 10am, followed by the College Freshers' Fayre in the Ruth Deech Building - find out about sports, music and other societies within St Anne's - further details are available from the MCR.
- The Graduate Freshers' Formal Hall will take place on the evening of Wednesday 16 October (Week 1), Drinks from 7:30pm, with dinner at 8:00pm. Please book here
- The MCR will also be offering a full programme of social events during Freshers' Week (and beyond) - details can be found on the MCR website.
Information and useful links for all Freshers
Welcome letter from the College GP
Please read the letter from the College GP, Dr Lawrence Leaver, carefully and register with the practice (or another in Oxford) as soon as possible. Dr Leaver & Partners surgery is a 5 minute walk from St Anne's, is linked with the College Nurse and appointments are easily obtainable due to the agreement the practice has with the College. The doctors are used to providing documentation (without charge) to the College and University to support adjustments such as alternative exam arrangements or extension requests. Information about the services offered is available here.
It is a University and College requirement that you register with a GP practice in Oxford - do not wait until you are ill to register!
If you have a long term health condition or disability which means you need regular contact with a doctor, please discuss this with the practice early to ensure continuity of care.
Students can continue to consult their home GP as a temporary patient.
You can register with the College Doctor here.
The University has provided the following information about recommended immunisations
Insurance - please enter 'St Annes' to check the cover in place in your college owned accommodation and top up if necessary.
(not for Visiting Students or students who have already matriculated at Oxford)
Matriculation is the ceremony that marks your formal admission to the University. It is a celebratory event, where you will get to take part in one of the most famous Oxford traditions. Attendance is compulsory*. If you are unable to matriculate on Saturday 19 October for reasons of religion or belief, please speak to the Academic Registrar.
* A number of part-time graduate courses have arranged for their students to matriculate in absence; please check here to see if this applies to your course. Where an arrangement to matriculate in absence has been made, you are not able to also matriculate in person.
Leave to matriculate at a later date in the term is only given in exceptional circumstances; please make certain you do not make other arrangements for this day. Failure to matriculate at a ceremony in the term following that in which you started will forfeit the fees for the term in which you came up and that term will not be counted towards the course.
Please go to the foyer of the Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre (MOLT) on Saturday 19 October between 12:00 noon and 12.45pm to give in your name. You do not have to sign anything but we must know that you are present. There will be two queues, one for undergraduates and one for postgraduates.
You will then be directed to the Dining Hall to receive instructions from the Dean of Degrees, and you will process to the Sheldonian Theatre in Broad Street for the ceremony. The ceremony should be finished by about 2:30. Please note that no visitors are allowed in the Sheldonian.
The required dress for matriculation is known as sub fusc. You should wear a gown, a mortar board or soft-cap, and your preferred items from the following list:
1. Dark suit with dark socks, or dark skirt with black tights or stockings, or dark trousers with dark socks
2. Dark coat if required
3. Black shoes
4. Plain white collared shirt or blouse
5. White bow tie, black bow tie, black full-length tie, or black ribbon.
Candidates serving in H.M. Forces are permitted to wear uniform together with a gown.
You can buy new caps/gowns/white bow ties/black ribbon from:
Shepherd & Woodward Ltd, 109-113 High Street;
Castell & Son Ltd, 13 Broad Street;
You will find that charity shops around Oxford will have supplies of second hand gowns (ask Freshers' helpers for tips about where to go) and the JCR also have a small supply of undergraduate commoners gowns donated by those recently graduated.
Students from previous Universities can wear the gown and hood of that Institution. Once they have matriculated, they will wear the Oxford gown of their current status.
A College year group photo will be taken at 2:45pm on the Quad to commemorate the occasion. Visiting Students, and those who have previously matriculated are welcome to join the photo.
Portrait photographers will be available after the group photograph.
'A Body in the Library' - an interactive Library Induction
Consent for Students Course - all incoming students are expected to have completed this course prior to their arrival. You will need to have your Single Sign-On (SSO) to access it.
Blackwell's Bookshop - Student Price Match Guarantee